Tuesday 4 August 2009

Women & Girl's Network - NEW SERVICE - Help-line for women survivors of violence



Women and Girls Network has, for over 21 years, provided telephone advice, information and support to women who have experienced any form of gendered violence. We are delighted to announce the re-launch of the help-line, with extended opening hours, including Saturdays.
Help-line calls are answered by women trained in working sensitively with survivors of violence.
The help-line offers women a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space to talk and explore their feelings and concerns. Where required, we can provide information on relevant services and support organisations.

Help-line opening times are:

Mondays 10:00 – 13:00
Tuesdays 18:30 – 21:30
Wednesdays 18:30 – 21:30
Fridays 10:00 – 13:00
Saturdays 10:00 – 13:00

Call the Helpline on
020 7610 4345

Tuesday 21 July 2009

„Proiectul Impreuna vom fi mai puternici”-intilnirile grupului vor incepe in septembrie 2009

Dragi Parinti si Prieteni,

„Proiectul Impreuna vom fi mai puternici” este un proiect dedicat parintilor singuri, organizat de Societatea Romanca in colaborare cu Upper Room si Radio Ciocarlia.
Acest proiectul este organizat ca un grup self-support isi propune sa gaseasca solutii la problemele cu care se confrunta parintii singuri romani cat si alti parinti Est-Europeni care traiesc si isi cresc copii in Marea Britanie.
Intilnirile lunare vor oferi oportunitatea discutiilor de grup pe baza subiectelor de interes pentru participanti dezvoltind obiectivelor propuse de acest proiect.
Copii sunt bineveniti sa petreaca timpul intr-o camera pentru copii unde se pot juca si vor fi organizate diferite activitati si unde vor fi supravegheati de voluntari desemnati din partea organizatiei.

Participantii la proiectul "Impreuna vom fi mai puternici" se vor intilni incepind cu luna septembrie 2009, la Upper Room, colaboratorul nostru pricipal in acest proiect, la sediul sau : The Upper Room (Downstairs Hall), St.Saviour's Church, Cobbold Road, London, W12 9LN.
Metrou:Stamford Brook cu district line, ori autobuz no. 266 de la Hammersmith Broadway pana la Askew Road Library.

Asteptam sugestii si propuneri pentru dezvoltarea acestui proiect.
Va asteptam cu drag.

Coordonator proiect
Nicoleta Beliciu


Dear parents and friends,

Together will be stronger Project is dedicated to single parents and is organised by Romanca Society in cooperation with Upper Room and Radio Ciocarlia, have the pleasure to invite you to the second meeting of the group
The project is organised as self-support group and propose to find solutions for the issues which single Romanian and other Est European parents face in U.K. were they live and bring up them children.
The onthly group meeting will offer the opportunity of a group discussions basis on all subjects which concern our participants, in order to develop the objectives of this project.
The children are welcome to spend some time in a children room were them can play and it will be activities and also them will be supervise by volunteers from our organisation.

The meetings of the project "Together will be stronger" will take place starting from September 2009, at Upper Room, the principal collaborator on this project, at their premises :The Upper Room(Downstairs Hall), St.Saviour's Church, Cobbold Road, London W12 9LN.
Nearest tube: Stamford Brook on the district line,or take buss no.266 from Hammersmith Broadway to Askew Road Library.
The event is free and open to all, please forward this to anyone interested.

We are waiting for your suggestions and ideas to develop this project.

Coordinator Project
Nicoleta Beliciu

Sunday 19 July 2009

Romanca at Upper Room Open Day/Romanca participa la Open day la Upper Room

Participarea Sociatatii Romanca la OPEN DAY in The Upper Room
Supporting people from Central & Eastern Europe

Joi 23 iulie 2009 14.00 – 17.00 la
The Upper Room (Downstairs Hall), St Saviour’s Church, Cobbold Road, London W12 9LN

Metrou: Stamford Brook pe District line sau autobuzul 266 de la Hammersmith Broadway catre Askew Road Library .

Cu aceasta ocazie va prezentam proiectele noastre comune:
• Impreuna vom fi mai puternici-ce se adreseaza parintilor care isi cresc copii singuri aici in Marea Britanie.
• Central & Eastern European Forum -o voce a grupurilor din sectorul voluntar ce lucreaza in aceasta arie

Contact: Nicoleta Beliciu e-mail:beliciu@btinternet.com sau telefon 07805535087

Va asteptam !


Romanca Society participate in the OPEN DAY organised by Upper Room.

Supporting people from Central & Eastern Europe

Thursday 23rd July 2009 14.00 – 17.00 at
The Upper Room (Downstairs Hall), St Saviour’s Church, Cobbold Road, London W12 9LN

Nearest tube: Stamford Brook on the District line or take No. 266 bus from Hammersmith Broadway to Askew Road Library

There will be an opportunity to present our joint projects:

•"Together we will be stronger" -project for single parents
• The Central & Eastern European Forum – a voice for voluntary sector groups working in this area
*Information * Networking * Ideas * Opportunities * Training * Community * Inclusion

Contact: Nicoleta Beliciu , e-mail:beliciu@btinternet.com or mobile 07805535087

You are welcome to visit us with this occasion!




Societatea Romanca in parteneriat cu Upper Room doreste sa vina in sprijinul unei categorii sociale oarecum defavorizata si anume parintii care isi cresc copii singuri si de aceea are placerea de a va invita sa participati la promovarea acestui proiect numit

Proiectul isi propune sa faciliteze un grup de discutii in ideea dezbaterii problemelor personale cu care se confrunta fiecare participant in aceasta societate si de asemenea cu scopul de a oferi suport moral acestei categorii sociale cat si incurajarea de a avea o viata sociala normala prin participarea la diferite activitati promovate de organizatie.De asemenea la aceste intilniri ne propunem sa avem invitati din diferite domenii si specializari in functie de nevoile si cererile membrilor din grup.
Nu in ultimul rand proiectul isi propune sa ofere organizarea de excursii prin autofinantare ori diferite sponsorizari cat si vizitarea de locatii pentru copii cum sunt:muzee,parcuri zoo,spectacole,etc,poate organiza de asemenea iesiri in grup in aer liber chiar si organizarea de picnicuri.

Locatia si orarul de desfasurare al intalnirilor va fi comunicat ulterior.Pentru mai multe detalii,persoanele interesate pot contacta pe e-mail beliciu@btinternet.com sau la la telefon:07805535087

Nicoleta Beliciu
Coordonator Proiect
Societatea Romanca